SujoyeeThe year God took a nap, but we didn’t‘Twas the 12th of March, when a very naive 30-something girl penned down an essay about the possibility of the world ending in 2020 with a…Jun 11, 2021Jun 11, 2021
SujoyeeThe year God took a nap, but we didn’t’Twas the 12th of March, when a very naive 30-something girl penned down an essay about the possibility of the world ending in 2020 with a…Jun 11, 2021Jun 11, 2021
SujoyeeinOne Little LifeI’m 30 and I am still looking for myselfAnd, that's okay.Mar 29, 2020Mar 29, 2020
SujoyeeinOne Little LifeIndia’s Beef with KhansThe faith cleansing ritual of New India.Mar 20, 2020Mar 20, 2020
SujoyeeinOne Little LifeThe World Maybe Ending, But You Are Not.Coronavirus is not just physically killing us, it is also mentally paralysing us.Mar 13, 2020Mar 13, 2020
SujoyeeThe World Maybe Ending, But You Are Not.Coronavirus is not just physically killing us, it is also mentally paralysing us.Mar 13, 2020Mar 13, 2020
SujoyeeinOne Little LifeWhat happened on day 101.For those of you, who might have given a ‘casually-scrolling’ read to my 100 Day of adulting method will have an idea about this piece.Oct 27, 2019Oct 27, 2019
SujoyeeinOne Little LifeThe 100 Day Method for Adulting.I’ll be honest, 100 days seem like a really long time. A part of my brain, is already plotting an exit plan as I write this. But, if you…Mar 11, 2019Mar 11, 2019